In an ever-evolving world, progress towards gender equality remains both a moral imperative and a strategic advantage for any organization. Workplace equality unleashes creative forces and empowers women, having a catalytic effect on the shaping of a prosperous and fair society.
By fostering an inclusive environment that values and empowers women, we tap into a vast reservoir of untapped potential, leading to increased productivity, greater employee engagement, and high dedication to the company. Additionally, women bring unique perspectives, skills, and talents to the workplace, enriching the overall organizational culture.
Greece has made significant strides in adopting a mindset where it is a given and self-evident that women have equal opportunities in employment, receive equal pay for equal work, and have equal participation in positions of responsibility, with performance and capabilities being the sole criteria. However, we are still behind, as the general equality index for Greece stands at 45%, while the average in the EU is 53%, and in the UK 56%, Turkey 35%, and Zambia 52%.
At JPA, we strive to put this mindset into practice. Thus, we are proud that the percentage of women participating in the company is over 70%. Within our internal organization, 60% of the managerial positions are held by women. In these roles, they add significant value, combining complex technical knowledge, emotional intelligence, excellent communication skills, and high conflict management and resolution capabilities.
We have also established a special working group, led by Ms. Vasiliki Papalouka, Strategic Advisor to the Group and Head of Marketing and Communications.
In a world where women are claiming, producing, and actively participating in the development of society and the economy, we all must live up to their values and expectations, starting with ourselves.